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Pitta Nature Tours
SoCal Endemics and Exotics

Few places in North America offer the diversity of Southern California for winter birding. With its unmatched climate, it provides a perfect escape from the colder regions of the country this time of year. Over 11 days, this tour will explore a vast array of habitats across the southern quarter of the state, with the potential to encounter nearly 250 species.

Upcoming Tour Date(s)

November 9-19, 2025

7 of 7 Spaces Available


Itinerary subject to change due to weather, birding conditions, and other factors out of our control.

California Thrasher

Day 1 (Sun, Nov 9) - Intro to San Diego

Today is primarily dedicated to arrivals. We recommend arriving either on Saturday or, if possible, this morning, as the tour officially begins at noon with lunch, introductions, and a brief overview of the itinerary. We’ll coordinate with each participant to ensure smooth arrival plans.

After lunch, we’ll ease into birding with visits to a few local parks, gradually checking off some of the species we hope to encounter throughout the week. We'll be on the lookout for Nuttall’s Woodpecker, Cassin’s Kingbird, and Red-shouldered Hawk, while Anna’s and Allen’s Hummingbirds should be a constant presence on this tour.

This afternoon, we’ll aim to spot our first “California” specialties, including California Towhee and California Thrasher. Other likely sightings include Wrentit, Western Bluebird, and Black Phoebe. To end the day, we’ll head to the beach to watch the sunset as Brown Pelicans and various terns move along the coastline

Night in San Diego

Black Skimmer

Day 2 (Mon, Nov 10) - San Diego Hotspots

Today is a full day of birding from sunrise to sunset! While winter brings shorter days, with only about 10 hours of daylight, we’ll make every moment count.

We’ll start our morning around Mission Bay, focusing on waterbirds, shorebirds, and waders. Expect to see Black Skimmer, Willet, Brant, Whimbrel, Western Gull, and Royal Tern. Along the San Diego River, Reddish Egret has become a regular sight, and with a bit of luck, we might even spot rarities like Tricolored Heron or Little Blue Heron, which tend to make annual appearances. With thorough coverage of several hotspots, we should build an impressive species list by midday.

After lunch, we’ll head south to explore Tijuana Slough and nearby hotspots, where we’ll search for the elusive Ridgway’s Rail. And if fortune is on our side, we might even come across a Black-throated Magpie-Jay, an eye-catching species with an established presence along the border that always makes for an exciting find!

Night in San Diego

California Gnatcatcher

Day 3 (Tue, Nov 11) - San Diego Cleanup

This morning, we’ll use our time to track down any expected species we may have missed over the past few days. Winter always brings a handful of vagrants to the city, and if any reliable rarities are around, we’ll take our chances at finding them.

One key target today is the elusive California Gnatcatcher. This tricky species can be tough to pin down, so we’ll start our search early, with backup locations planned as we head north. Before leaving the area, we’ll stop by La Jolla Cove, where the sights (and strong scents) of Sea Lions and Seals provide a unique experience. Here, we’ll also look for Brandt’s Cormorant, Heermann’s Gull, Black Oystercatcher, and Black Turnstone.

As we continue up the coast toward Orange County, we’ll make several stops at beaches and parks, adding species like Short-billed Gull, Pacific Loon, Surf Scoter, White-crowned Sparrow, and Bushtit to our list. Before sunset, we’ll visit a local parrot roost, where we have a chance to see Red-crowned Amazon, Yellow-headed Amazon, Red-lored Amazon, and Lilac-crowned Amazon. While not all of these species are officially considered established, they’re always a fun and colorful sight to wrap up the day!

Night in Huntington Beach

Heermann's Gull

Day 4 (Wed, Nov 12) - Bolsa Chica and Coastal Hotspots

This morning, we’ll divide our time between Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve and several well-known city parks nearby, where spotting 100 species before lunch is entirely possible! With an incredible mix of waterfowl, shorebirds, waders, songbirds, and birds of prey, this region is absolutely teeming with birdlife. While most of what we’ll see will be common and expected species, we’ll also keep an eye out for introduced birds like Swinhoe’s White-eye, Egyptian Goose, and Pin-tailed Whydah. These parks often host a few overwintering rarities, so we’ll take time to track down anything unusual.

The afternoon will be flexible, allowing us to ensure we’ve checked off all the highlight species we’ve been targeting. With so many fantastic birding locations in the area, no two trips are ever quite the same. If any rare waterfowl—such as Cackling Goose or Eurasian Wigeon—have been reported nearby, we’ll make a special effort to add them to our trip list. We’ll wrap up the day along the coast, taking advantage of the beautiful evening light for photographing gulls, shorebirds, and terns as the sun sets over the Pacific.

Night in Huntington Beach


Day 5 (Thu, Nov 13) - To Bird and Find in LA

Los Angeles on our way to Ventura. But with LA’s dynamic mix of habitats—sprawling city parks, coastal hotspots, and hidden green spaces—there’s always something exciting to find.

We’ll scan rafts of scoters along the coast, hoping to pick out a White-winged or Black Scoter among the more common Surf Scoters. These flocks often hold surprises, so careful scoping could reveal something unexpected. In local parks, we’ll search for flocks of vibrant, chattering parakeets and keep an eye out for the striking Red-whiskered Bulbul, an introduced species that has made itself right at home in the city’s lush gardens and tree-lined neighborhoods.

Before leaving the warm coastal scrub behind, we’ll make the most of the diverse birdlife, adding as many species as possible to our list. By evening, we’ll arrive in Ventura, where we’ll do some relaxed birding around the harbor, checking for waterbirds, perhaps Surfbird and Black Turnstone as the sun sets over the Pacific. With a big day ahead, we’ll settle in for an early night, recharging for the exciting adventures to come!

Night in Ventura

Island Scrub-Jay

Day 6 (Fri, Nov 14) - Channel Islands National Park

Our ferry departs at 9:00 AM today for Santa Cruz Island. Be prepared for cooler temperatures and potentially rough seas. As we pass the harbor’s jetties, keep an eye out for Pelagic Cormorants among the more abundant Brandt’s Cormorants. During the hour-long ride to the island, we may see Black-vented Shearwaters, along with alcids such as Common Murre, Cassin’s Auklet, and Rhinoceros Auklet. Occasionally, we may spot other seabirds, so a keen eye may turn up something good!

Before long, we’ll arrive at Santa Cruz Island—the largest island off California’s coast, spanning 96 square miles with 77 miles of coastline. This remote and scenic island is home to an impressive 600 plant species and is the only place on Earth to see the Island Scrub-Jay. We’ll dedicate our time to exploring Prisoner’s Harbor on the north coast, where these striking blue jays thrive. Larger than their mainland relatives, the California Scrub-Jay, about 2,000 Island Scrub-Jays persist exclusively on Santa Cruz Island.

As we explore, we’ll also be on the lookout for unique, island-specific subspecies of Allen’s Hummingbird, Orange-crowned Warbler, Hutton’s Vireo, and Song Sparrow. Reintroduced Bald Eagles may be spotted soaring along the cliffs, but the real scene-stealer is often the charming Island Fox—small, curious, and remarkably approachable!

After a rewarding day of birding and a picnic lunch, we’ll return to Ventura Harbor, scanning for more seabirds along the way.

**if you are prone to seasickness and would prefer to skip the boat trip, you are free to stay behind at our hotel and explore Ventura Harbor for the day.

Night in Ventura

Yellow-billed Magpie

Day 7 (Sat, Nov 15) - Yellow-billed Magpie and California Condor

Today involves some driving, but the rewards should make it well worth the journey! We’ll rise early and head north along the stunning California coast toward Cachuma Lake—the southernmost point in the world to see the striking Yellow-billed Magpie. This charismatic species, found only in California’s oak woodlands, will be a prime target for the morning. While exploring the area, we’ll also search for Acorn Woodpecker, Oak Titmouse, Golden-crowned Sparrow, and California Quail, all thriving in this rich habitat.

Once we’ve checked off our targets, we’ll head east with one goal in mind—spotting a soaring California Condor. Depending on recent reports, we’ll take one of two possible routes, maximizing our chances of encountering this magnificent and critically endangered species. Along the way, we’ll scan the skies for other raptors and scavengers that ride the thermals, including Red-tailed Hawk, Golden Eagle, and Common Raven.

Night in Lancaster

LeConte's Thrasher

Day 8 (Sun, Nov 16) - Antelope Valley and San Jacinto Wildlife Area

We’ll kick off the morning in the high-elevation Mojave Desert, exploring vast sage-covered landscapes dotted with Joshua Trees. Our main targets include LeConte’s and Sage Thrashers, Ferruginous Hawk, Prairie Falcon, Bell’s Sparrow, Loggerhead Shrike, and wintering Mountain Bluebirds. We’ll keep an eye out for Merlin, while we likely encounter 1,000’s of Horned Larks and flocks of American Pipits. You neve know what we might find mixed in!

In the afternoon, we’ll head to the San Jacinto Wildlife Area, a wetland oasis nestled at the base of the San Bernardino Mountains, a key migratory corridor. The area’s rich wetlands and surrounding grasslands attract an abundance of waterfowl and small mammals, providing prey for raptors like Bald and Golden Eagles, Peregrine Falcon, and White-tailed Kite. The cattail-filled wetlands, cattle farms, and dairies offer food and shelter for the endangered Tricolored Blackbird and thousands of wintering waterfowl. We’ll see Cinnamon Teal, American White Pelicans, American Bittern, Cattle Egrets, Sora, and White-faced Ibis, with the possibility of Least Bittern and Wilson’s Snipe hiding here.

Night in Idyllwild

White-headed Woodpecker

Day 9 (Mon, Nov 17) - Big Morongo Preserve and Coachella Valley

We’ll start the morning by seeking out any remaining mountain bird targets, like White-headed Woodpecker and sapsuckers, before stopping by Big Morongo Canyon Preserve. This spot is a prime winter birding location with plenty of possibilities, but our main focus will be Scott’s Oriole. Next, we’ll head to a true desert oasis—Thousand Palms Oasis in the Coachella Valley. Surrounded by towering California Fan Palms and freshwater springs, this area is a haven for desert species. We should encounter Greater Roadrunner, Verdin, Black-tailed Gnatcatcher, and Phainopepla. We’ll also look for Sagebrush Sparrow and any rarities that might be hanging around. In the late afternoon, we’ll arrive in Palm Springs, where we’ll keep the itinerary open to visit local ponds and parks.

Night in Palm Springs

Mountain Plover

Day 10 (Tue, Nov 18) - The Salton Sea

We’ll start the day early, birding the eastern shores of the Salton Sea, a unique spot known for its rich birdlife. The north end’s fish farms attract egrets, herons, and gulls, while the dry desert around the area is home to Common Ground-Dove, Cactus Wren, and Abert’s Towhee. The North Shore Marina is often teeming with ducks, coots, and grebes, including large numbers of Eared Grebe, Ruddy Duck, and Least Sandpiper. Shorebirds like Black-necked Stilts and American Avocets are common along the salty shore, with the occasional Snowy Plover or rare shorebird. A careful scan of cormorants might reveal a Neotropic Cormorant, and keep an eye on California Gulls for rare Yellow-footed Gulls or Lesser Black-backed Gulls. Great-tailed Grackles and Yellow-headed Blackbirds should also be expected along the lake.

In the southeast corner, the Sonny Bono-Salton Sea National Wildlife Refuge is home to thousands of birds. Expect Cinnamon Teal, Northern Shoveler, and other ducks, along with Sora, Virginia Rail, and Ridgway’s Rail. Large flocks of Long-billed Curlews and Cattle Egrets can be seen foraging, while recently plowed fields provide a chance to find Mountain Plovers. Burrowing Owls are common, and the many wetland impoundments create perfect habitat for a stunning variety of species. As we move away from coastal birds, we’ll encounter desert-adapted species like Gambel’s Quail, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Abert’s Towhee, and the westernmost Gila Woodpecker. The day will end at Vendel Road, where thousands of Snow Geese and Sandhill Cranes gather to roost, with a chance to spot Great Horned Owls as the sun sets.

Night in Borrego Springs

Greater Roadrunner

Day 11 (Wed, Nov 19) - Anza Borrego and The Tour Wraps!

We’ll begin the day at a sewage treatment pond surrounded by desert scrub, ideal for spotting Crissal Thrasher and Sage Thrasher. We’ll also look for Lark Sparrow and Brewer’s Sparrows, while White-winged Doves and Greater Roadrunners add to the desert atmosphere. Cooper’s Hawk can be found lurking the brushlines, and alkaline flats offer a chance for Sagebrush Sparrow and LeConte’s Thrasher. Other species like Black-throated Sparrow, Verdin, and Black Phoebe are common along the way, with Phainopepla often seen feeding on Desert Mistletoe. We will keep an eye out for Costa’s Hummingbirds feeding on flowering cacti.

As we trek back to San Diego, we’ll stop at Shelter Valley to try and track down Harris’s Hawk. We will make sure to be checking side roads in the Santa Ysabel, Ranchita, and Ramona areas for Mountain Quail, rare Lewis’s Woodpeckers, and Lawrence’s Goldfinches. The plan will be to have everyone back in San Diego by 4:00pm for airport and hotel drop offs as we bring this incredible adventure to a close!

End of Tour!

2025 Pricing

Single Room

You’ll have your own room for the duration of the tour.

Max Participants: 7
$4,499 per person
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We also offer private Tours of Southern California. Please use our contact form to send us a message and we can plan somethign specifically for you!

What's Included & What to Expect

What to Expect on Your Tour

We recommend arriving either the day before the tour starts, but arrivals on the morning the tour begins will also suffice. Plan on flying into San Diego International Airport. For those arriving on Saturday, we can help arrange transfer to our hotel. For those arriving on the morning the tour starts, we will arrange pick ups with the guide no later than 11:00 am.

This tour requires a minimum of 4 participants to run. If we do not reach 4, we may still be able to convert this to a smaller private group tour for an increased supplement to cover fixed costs.

Compared to similar tours offered by other companies, we believw our tour not only is priced lower, but includes all meals making it a better value. We strive to provide an incredible end-to-end experience, and believe are nearly all-inclusive packages help provide that!


Throughout the tour, we will travel in our comfortable 12-person Transit Van (aptly named Otus).  Since this tour caps at 7-people, that means each of our 3-rows in the back has just 2-people, with the 7th passenger riding shotgun.  Lots of room to stretch out with your gear and not feel like a sardine in a tin.  Throughout the tour, we'll switch up seating arrangements so everyone gets a different view day-to-day.  

We provide a step stool for easy access in and out of the van and ice-cold water is available whenever you need from the back of the van with a custom tour water bottle provided for you to keep at the beginning of the tour.


Accommodations are typically quite comfortable and often the best available in the vicinity.  This usually means mid to higher-to-mid-end chains, usually Hilton or Choice, and their various sub-brands.


Breakfasts will usually be boxed and eaten in the field.  Some mornings we may eat at hotels if time permits with our itinerary.  Lunches and dinners are at our favorite local restaurants, with the occasional picnic meal. Water and soft drinks are included with meals, but alcoholic drinks ARE NOT.  They may be purchased on your own with meals.


The pace of the tour is slow to moderate. We cover a lot of ground but give ourselves ample time in most places that we aren;t rushing, Southern California traffic is the really slow down!


For the most part, the tour is not physically demanding. We will walk quite a bit, and so some short hikes, but mnost of the terrain is not difficult to traverse.

Weather and Temperature

Winter in southern California is quite desirable. High's will range form low 70's to 80' with lows typically in the 50's. There will be some variability with visits to higher elevations where temps will be 20-30 degrees cooler, as well as our channel crossing when teh wind and the ocena make for a chilly ride. Bring layers and include some warm options.

Bird Highlights

  • Island Scrub-Jay
  • Yellow-billed Magpie
  • Tricolored Blackbird
  • Wrentit
  • Oak Titmouse
  • Nuttall’s Woodpecker
  • Bell’s Sparrow
  • Allen’s Hummingbird
  • Ridgway’s Rail
  • Black Oystercatcher
  • California Gull
  • California Quail
  • California Gnatcatcher
  • California Towhee
  • California Thrasher
  • California Scrub-Jay
  • California Condor

Non-bird Highlights

  • Whales & Dolphins
  • Sea Lions & Harbor Seals
  • Butterflies
  • Channel Islands National Park
  • The Salton Sea
  • West Coast Sunsets

What's Included

  • Professional Guide Service
  • Transportation from San Diego
  • Ferry to Sant Cruz Island
  • 10-nights Accomodations
  • Meals from Lunch Day 1 through Lunch Day 11
  • Spotting Scope while Birding
  • Water for Refreshment
  • Birds—we’ll find some birds
  • Some Owltastic Tour Swag
  • Delightful Conversation about Birds
  • A Thoroughly Enjoyable Time!
We also include SFW dad jokes, witty bird puns, and the occasional commentary on things non-bird related!

What's Not Included

  • Alcoholic Drinks
  • Binoculars
  • Cameras and Lenses
  • Personal Flashlights/Headlamps
  • Bug Spray
  • Jackets or Sweaters
  • Shoes and Socks
  • Flights or Transportation to California
We highly recommend all of the above ;)

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Recent Photos from this Tour

Still have questions? Ready to book a tour? Either way tapping the buttons below will put you in touch with us!